What to Bring to a Networking Event | Rob Mastrantonio | Professional Overview

Rob Mastrantonio
2 min readSep 12, 2022


Attending a networking event can be a career-changing opportunity. However, it’s also important to prepare for the event and bring the necessary items and frame of mind to maximize your chances of making new connections.

Being part of a networking group can be beneficial for clients and professionals. Forbes’ panel members shared their top tips for networking events.

A Relatable and Memorable Story

A compelling and relatable story can help you make a connection with others. It can be about a recent book or a sports event, for instance. It should be memorable and unique to stand out from the crowd. Having a compelling story can also help build rapport and make a new relationship work out.

An Approachable Personality

Another thing to bring to a networking event is an approachable personality. Embrace a personality that is open to new ideas and willing to listen to others. This is a critical trait for successful networking events.

Focus on Being Interested Over Interesting

To be successful, focus on being curious and not on being interesting. Maintain a mindset that values service instead of being consumed with what you can get. Being a part of a networking group can help individuals make new connections and improve their chances of being memorable.

A Long-Term Mindset

All professionals should have a long-term mindset when it comes to networking events. They should avoid looking at them as mere opportunities for immediate gain. Before the event, make sure to introduce yourself to a few people who are excited about building a long-term relationship.

An Empowered Mindset

Having an empowered mindset can help boost your confidence and make connections at an event. For instance, saying positive things about yourself can remind others of how great you are.

Value to Offer

Each professional should bring something to offer at an event, such as a product or service offering. This can help build confidence and make creating connections easier to do.

A Place to Put Your Phone

One of the most important elements to remember when attending a networking event is to avoid using your phone during it. It can take a lot of time away from making a connection.

Authentic Curiosity

An authentic curiosity is what makes a successful networking event. It can be easy to get carried away with our everyday needs, but it’s often difficult to put aside those for others.

Important Questions

Instead of asking the usual questions about the person you’re networking with, try asking something that interests you instead. Doing so will allow you to thoroughly explore the other people in attendance.

Originally published at https://robmastrantonio.com on September 12, 2022.



Rob Mastrantonio
Rob Mastrantonio

Written by Rob Mastrantonio

Rob Mastrantonio is an insurance pro with over a decade of experience in the industry. Visit his website to learn about his knowledge of risk assessment.

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